Dr. Jack L. Arnold Equipping Pastors International Hebrews
Lesson 25
Christ Cleanses the Conscience
Hebrews 9:6-14
The ninth chapter of Hebrews may seem a little confusing to
us who are removed two thousand years from first century Judaism, but this
letter was perfectly clear to the Jewish-Christians to whom the author was
This section may seem difficult and even a little dull, so
we are going to start with the author’s conclusion and then give an exposition
of the passage.
“For if the blood of goats and bulls
and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify for
the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through
the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your
conscience from dead works to serve the living God” (Heb.
The basic thought is that the death of Christ can “cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living and true God.” The issue here is what to do with the nagging religious conscience. The conscience is that immaterial part of man that sits in judgment over the will. Conscience gives us a human sense of right and wrong. Someone has said that the conscience is “that still, small voice that makes you feel smaller still,” or as a young lad said, “It is that which feels bad when everything else feels good.”
In the case of the Hebrew-Christians, their consciences were
not troubled over evil deeds but “dead works.” The “dead works” refer to the Old Testament Levitical worship system that was part of the Mosaic
Law. When Christ came to this
world the Mosaic Law and the Levitical worship system
came to an end. Christ fulfilled
all the types and shadows of the Old Testament. However, these professing Hebrew-Christians were thinking
seriously about abandoning Christianity and going back into Judaism to
participate in the Jewish sacrifices ritual because they felt this was how they
could best please God. They had
two thousand years of Jewish history behind them that told them that they had
to offer sacrifices as Jews to be accepted by God and many were having a
difficult time resting in the finished work of Christ for their sins. Their consciences told them that they
were not saved unless they did something for their salvation. They, therefore, put their nagging
consciences to rest by religious activity. Their consciences goaded them into a high-gear program in
order to please God.
We can apply this same situation over to twentieth century
Christianity. Today there are
millions of churchgoers who are strangers to the grace of God and are involved
in endless church activity to please God.
This high-intensive program may range all the way from bead-counting and
candle-lighting to serving on countless church committees, passing out tracts,
teaching Sunday school or whatever.
A person may have a nagging religious conscience and know nothing about
God’s free grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What real difference in motive is there between a poor,
blinded pagan who, in his misconception of truth, crawls endlessly down a road
to placate God, and an American Christian who busies himself in a continual
round of activity to try to win a sense of acceptance before God? None whatsoever! Religious works can never cleanse the
CONSCIENCE - Hebrews 9:6-7
“Now when these things have been thus prepared, the priests
are continually entering the outer tabernacle, performing divine worship, but
into the second only the high priest enters, once a year, not without taking
blood which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people committed in
ignorance.” -- A
priest could enter the Holy Place at any time as long as he cleansed himself at
the Laver, but only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies and he could
not enter it without the blood of animal sacrifices. Only one person (the high priest) could come to the one
place (Holy of Holies) only once a year (on the Day of Atonement) and he could
come only on one basis (blood).
The blood came from the sacrifice of goats and bullocks. The goats’ blood covered the sins of the people and the bullocks’ blood
covered the sins of the high priest, the priests and their families. The high priest had to make a sacrifice
for himself because he was still a sinner, even though he held the highest
religious office in all of Judaism.
Notice carefully that the sins atoned for on the Day of
Atonement were sins of ignorance.
Willful sins were to be confessed to God and a sacrifice made on the Brazen
Altar. God is concerned that a
person’s sins of omission, as well as his sins of commission, be atoned
for. This sacrifice on the Day of
Atonement when the blood was poured on the Mercy Seat covered believing
Israel’s sins for one year, but each year this ritual had to be repeated.
This Old Testament ritual was only a type or symbol that
pointed forward to Christ who would come to be the perfect sacrifice for
sins. Animal sacrifices only
prefigured salvation; they could not save in themselves. The conscience of the Israelite could
never find real rest or peace or assurance of being inwardly purified and
brought into full communion with God in animal blood sacrifices because these
sacrifices dealt with external ritual and not internal spiritual power. The Old Testament priest had to keep on
serving God through ritual because their sins were never really atoned for
until Christ came to be the perfect sacrifice.
CONSCIENCE - Hebrews 9:8-10
“The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the
Holy Place has not yet been disclosed, while the outer tabernacle is still
standing, ...” -- As long as the earthly tabernacle and
the Mosaic Law were in force, there could be no open and free access to the
heavenly tabernacle or holy place because Christ and the New Covenant had not
come, but when Christ came, all was fulfilled.
“...which is a symbol for the time then
present, according to which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot
make the worshiper perfect (complete,
mature) in conscience, since they relate only to food and drink and
various washings, regulations for the body imposed until a time of
reformation.” --
The Old Testament worship and sacrificial system awaited its “time of
reformation” which means “until the time of the new order.” In Christ comes a new order of worship
and a new Christian life style.
If the Old Testament worshippers saw no deeper than the
ordinance they were performing, (and rarely did they ever go beyond this
outward act), the only benefit of the ritual would be to the body. These affected only the outer man and
not the inner man. Service,
ritual, sacrifice and ordinances do nothing to the performer but affect the
body. No ritual or ordinance has
value in itself. In the Old
Testament system, the conscience was not touched and therefore the worshipper
had no rest and his conscience was continually hounding him, making him feel
guilty, dragging him back to perform the same thing over and over again in a
restless search for peace.
The ritual of the Old Testament was designed by God as an
object lesson to point to Christ, and there were many spiritual lessons for the
Jews to learn. However, most of
them missed the whole point and thought that God was interested in ritual. God has never been interested in ritual
per se, but only in the heart of a person for Him. Religious activity in itself will never
please God or cleanse the conscience.
A person must go behind the ritual to get the spiritual meaning, and
until he does go deeper than the ritual, he will be caught in the trap of
endless religious activity that can never please God.
King David, after he had been guilty of murder and adultery,
came to realize that God was far more interested in one’s heart than his
ritual. In Psalm 51:16-17 he says, “For Thou dost not delight
in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; Thou art not pleased with burnt
offering. The sacrifices of God
are a broken spirit: A broken and a contrite heart, 0 God, Thou wilt not despise.”
“But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good
things to come ...” --
Christ is superior to the Old Testament system because He is the fulfillment of
the Old Testament types, symbols and promises. When Christ came, the Levitical system
became old or dated. Christ
brought “good things” in that a whole new order of spiritual worship had
“...He entered through the greater and
more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this
creation ...” -- Christ is superior to the Old
Testament system because Christ serves in a heavenly tabernacle. The heavenly tabernacle is a greater
and more perfect tabernacle than the earthly tabernacle. Furthermore, Christ entered into this
heavenly tabernacle on the benefits of His death.
“... and not
through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood. He entered the holy place once for all,
having obtained eternal redemption.” -- Christ is superior to the Old Testament system because He
shed His own blood, not the blood of brute animals. The “blood of Christ” speaks of Christ’s atoning sacrifice
for sins, and because He shed His precious blood. His sacrifice gave Him
entrance into the heavenly sanctuary.
Why did Christ die?
Why did He shed His holy blood? That He might obtain eternal redemption and the objects of
eternal redemption are true believers in Christ. True believers in Christ have been redeemed; that is, they
have been purchased out of the slave market of sin and Christ paid the ransom
with His own blood. Believers have
been purchased eternally. We
belong to Christ because He redeemed us, for we have been bought with a price,
the inestimable price of Christ’s blood.
Christ’s shed blood is the basis for our salvation and
without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
“Knowing that you were not redeemed
with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life
inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb
unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
“And from Jesus Christ, the faithful
witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the
earth. To Him who loves us, and
released us from our sins by His blood” (Rev. 1:5).
We must never be ashamed of the blood of Christ, for upon
that blood our salvation rests.
In the first century, slave trade was part of the Roman
culture. According to some papyri
writings there was a beautiful woman who was put up on the slave block for sale
to a new master. There was a Roman
soldier who was quite rich and his eye was attracted to this woman. He bought this woman, after much
bidding, for a very high price, and when he had purchased her out of the slave
market he said, “Woman, I have bought you out of slavery and now you belong to
me. I am your new master and I can
do whatever I please to do with you.
I am pleased to set you free.
I, from this moment on, make you a free woman.” He set her free and walked away. As he turned to walk away, the woman
was so amazed at this man’s graciousness, concern and love, she fell at his
feet, grasping his toga and said, “Sir, you have set me free and I am so
grateful that from this day on I voluntarily become your slave!”
Can a man be saved if he denies the blood of Christ atoned for
sin? No! Can a person be saved if he is trusting in anything else to
save him but the sacrificial death of Christ through the shed blood? No! We must trust only in Christ’s blood. When I ask some people what they are
trusting to get to heaven they reply, “I am being as good as I can,” (trusting
self), or “I am trying as hard as I can,” (trusting works), or “I have faith
that I am going to heaven,” (trusting in faith), but it is not until one is
trusting in Christ’s death and His shed blood that he is genuinely saved. This is resting squarely on the work of
another to save us and to take us to heaven.
The song, “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” is true: “What
can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Men naturally want to work for their salvation and they so
want to soothe their consciences that they will get involved in endless
religious activity, thinking that activity will appease God. Nothing appeases God but the blood of
Christ and all anyone can ever do is trust the blood of Christ to save
him. God does not like men better
because they serve Him. God does
not love men because they serve Him but because God is love and He has fixed
His eternal love upon all who trust wholly in Christ! Service for Christ springs out of a heart filled with God’s
love and our motivation for service is to be a delight as well as a duty.
“For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a
heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify for the cleansing of
the flesh ...” -- Christ is superior to the Old
Testament system because those sacrifices could only cleanse in a physical
sense, but they did not cleanse his conscience. The Old Testament did give external, physical and bodily
“... how much more
will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself
without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the
living God?” --
Christ’s sacrifice is superior to the Old Testament system because Christ’s
death does cleanse the conscience.
Christ, in His death, made a voluntary offering of Himself. He chose to die for sin and sinners as
the Lamb without spot or blemish.
The death of Christ purifies one’s conscience; it gives a
sense of forgiveness; we experience peace and pardon because we have been
reconciled to God. When the
conscience is purified, there is a great moral and spiritual change in us. We flee all dead works; that is,
religious works done to please God and salve our conscience. We now know and understand that
forgiveness is only in the death of Christ through His shed blood. All religious works are dead works and
devoid of any power before God.
However, with the conscience cleansed by the blood of Christ, we now “serve
the living God.” Before conversion
to Christ, we did religious works to please God, but after conversion we serve
God out of appreciation for our purified hearts through the blood of Christ. Religious works were motivated by fear
but spiritual works are motivated by love.
I remember reading a story about a woman who was saved in a
New York downtown mission. This
woman was a woman of the street and was saved off the streets by God’s
grace. After she was saved she
used to stand in New York pulpits and give her testimony and would say, “It was
no common blood that washed Nellie Conroy from her sin. It was the blood of Christ.” Before she was saved she would come
into the meetings in the mission and take a back seat. If anyone would come near her she would
put up her hand to stop them. She
did not want anyone to come near her.
She said afterwards that she felt if a decent woman would brush her
skirts that woman would be defiled.
As she walked the streets she gave decent women lots of room so that they
would not touch her. However, one
night at the mission she came under the convicting work of the Spirit and
trusted Christ as her Savior and Lord.
Those that wanted to trust Christ were asked
to come forward and she did so with tears in her eyes and she
fell down on her knees at the altar. When she got up many of the mission women
who had witnessed to her threw their arms around her in great jubilation. Nellie Conroy did not push them away
but she threw her arms around them too.
Why? Because Nellie Conroy
had her guilty conscience cleansed by Jesus Christ!
You who are without Christ are in desperate need of
cleansing. If you are not cleansed
by Christ, you will perish in your sins.
Only the blood of Christ can cleanse you and give you the forgiveness of
sins. You must trust Christ’s
sacrificial death and shed blood alone to save you.
Stop trusting any human works to get you to heaven. A moral life, church membership,
baptism, liberal giving, humanitarianism and endless religious activity will
not purify your conscience. Only
Christ’s blood can forgive sins and cleanse the sin-stained conscience.
The song writer puts it,
“There is a fountain
filled with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel’s
And sinners, plunged
beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty